Data Champions: 2025 learning journey

from $1,600.00

A 12-month professional learning journey and action research project for building data storytelling skills in yourself and others.

Enrolment in this course includes all training materials and a copy of each of Selena's four books (Using and Analysing Data in Australian Schools, Leading Data-Informed Change, I'm not a numbers person: How to make good decisions in a data-rich world and Data-informed learners: Engaging students in their data story).

Participants will need to have their own device to work on, and access to relevant data for their project.

This price is GST exclusive - the GST will be calculated and added automatically in your cart.

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A 12-month professional learning journey and action research project for building data storytelling skills in yourself and others.

Enrolment in this course includes all training materials and a copy of each of Selena's four books (Using and Analysing Data in Australian Schools, Leading Data-Informed Change, I'm not a numbers person: How to make good decisions in a data-rich world and Data-informed learners: Engaging students in their data story).

Participants will need to have their own device to work on, and access to relevant data for their project.

This price is GST exclusive - the GST will be calculated and added automatically in your cart.

A 12-month professional learning journey and action research project for building data storytelling skills in yourself and others.

Enrolment in this course includes all training materials and a copy of each of Selena's four books (Using and Analysing Data in Australian Schools, Leading Data-Informed Change, I'm not a numbers person: How to make good decisions in a data-rich world and Data-informed learners: Engaging students in their data story).

Participants will need to have their own device to work on, and access to relevant data for their project.

This price is GST exclusive - the GST will be calculated and added automatically in your cart.

Using and Analysing Data in Australian Schools: Why, How and What (2nd edition)
Educators Book Pack
Webinar Replay: 10 ways to look at your NAPLAN data (Captioned)
Data-Informed Learners: Engaging students in their data story
Masterclass: Data policy and data plans